Cohort 5 is at the halfway point

Cohort 5 apprentices celebrate the halfway point of our program, a 6-month-long Registered Apprenticeship.

Zoom screenshot of nine people smiling

Apprentices come into our apprenticeship program with a basic skill set and a desire to grow further in their profession.

They have gained much over the last three months through classroom training, on-the-job experience, and mentorship. Our apprentices understand the significance of teamwork and communication in the tech industry. They operate with this understanding and believe it is vital for a project's success.

As the apprentices celebrate this significant milestone, they are excited about the next phase of the program. Next stop, graduating with a Journeyworker’s Certification!

While the apprenticeship program has been a rewarding experience for our apprentices, their employer host companies also benefit from the program. Hosting an apprentice is a cost-effective and time-effective way for companies to gain access to skilled workers for their projects who are ready to contribute from day one. We thank our employer host companies who have welcomed Cohort 5 apprentices onto their teams!

We congratulate our apprentices on their hard work and dedication to reach this career milestone. The skills and knowledge they have acquired will serve them well in their tech careers. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for them as they continue toward graduation this June.

Thank you to our partner, DataCamp Donates. See more about this partnership here.


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